Expand description
This type inference is just to infer the return type of function calls, and make sure the functionCall expressions have same input type requirement and return type definition as backend.
pub use cast::align_types;
pub use cast::bail_cast_error;
pub use cast::cast;
pub use cast::cast_error;
pub use cast::cast_ok;
pub use cast::cast_ok_base;
pub use cast::cast_sigs;
pub use cast::CastContext;
pub use cast::CastError;
pub use cast::CastErrorInner;
pub use cast::CastSig;
pub use cast::CAST_TABLE;
pub use func::infer_some_all;
pub use func::infer_type;
pub use func::infer_type_name;
pub use func::infer_type_with_sigmap;
- A function signature.