macro_rules! split_extract_plain_native_methods { ( {$($input:tt)*}, $macro:path $(,$extra_args:tt)* ) => { ... }; ( { $(public)? static native $($first:tt)* }, { $($second:tt)* }, $macro:path $(,$extra_args:tt)* ) => { ... }; ( { $($ret:tt).+ $func_name:ident($($args:tt)*); $($rest:tt)* }, { $({$prev_func_name:ident, {$($prev_ret:tt)*}, {$($prev_args:tt)*}})* }, $macro:path $(,$extra_args:tt)* ) => { ... }; ( { $($ret:tt).+ [] $func_name:ident($($args:tt)*); $($rest:tt)* }, { $({$prev_func_name:ident, {$($prev_ret:tt)*}, {$($prev_args:tt)*}})* }, $macro:path $(,$extra_args:tt)* ) => { ... }; ( {}, { $({$func_name:ident, {$($ret:tt)*}, {$($args:tt)*}})* }, $macro:path $(,$extra_args:tt)* ) => { ... }; ($($invalid:tt)*) => { ... }; }
Expand description
Given the plain text of a list native methods, split the methods by semicolon (;), extract
the return type, argument list and name of the methods and pass the result to the callback
with the extracted result as the first parameter. The result can be matched with
pattern {$({$func_name:ident, {$($ret:tt)*}, {$($args:tt)*}})*}
macro_rules! call_split_extract_plain_native_methods {
({$({$func_name:ident, {$($ret:tt)*}, {$($args:tt)*}})*}) => {
(stringify! {$func_name}, stringify!{$($ret)*}, stringify!{($($args)*)})
($($input:tt)*) => {{
risingwave_jni_core::split_extract_plain_native_methods! {
("f", "int", "(int param1, boolean param2)"),
("f2", "boolean[]", "()"),
("f3", "java.lang.String", "(byte[] param)")
], call_split_extract_plain_native_methods!(
int f(int param1, boolean param2);
boolean[] f2();
java.lang.String f3(byte[] param);