
Type Alias PbType

pub type PbType = Type;
Expand description

Alias for Type.

Aliased Type§

enum PbType {
Show 254 variants Unspecified = 0, Add = 3, Subtract = 4, Multiply = 5, Divide = 6, Modulus = 7, Equal = 8, NotEqual = 9, LessThan = 10, LessThanOrEqual = 11, GreaterThan = 12, GreaterThanOrEqual = 13, Greatest = 14, Least = 15, And = 21, Or = 22, Not = 23, In = 24, Some = 25, All = 26, BitwiseAnd = 31, BitwiseOr = 32, BitwiseXor = 33, BitwiseNot = 34, BitwiseShiftLeft = 35, BitwiseShiftRight = 36, Extract = 101, DatePart = 102, TumbleStart = 103, MakeDate = 113, MakeTime = 114, MakeTimestamp = 115, SecToTimestamptz = 104, AtTimeZone = 105, DateTrunc = 106, CharToTimestamptz = 107, CharToDate = 111, CastWithTimeZone = 108, AddWithTimeZone = 109, SubtractWithTimeZone = 110, MakeTimestamptz = 112, Cast = 201, Substr = 202, Length = 203, Like = 204, ILike = 279, SimilarToEscape = 284, Upper = 205, Lower = 206, Trim = 207, Replace = 208, Position = 209, Ltrim = 210, Rtrim = 211, Case = 212, ConstantLookup = 624, RoundDigit = 213, Round = 214, Ascii = 215, Translate = 216, Coalesce = 217, ConcatWs = 218, ConcatWsVariadic = 285, Abs = 219, SplitPart = 220, Ceil = 221, Floor = 222, ToChar = 223, Md5 = 224, CharLength = 225, Repeat = 226, ConcatOp = 227, Concat = 286, ConcatVariadic = 287, BoolOut = 228, OctetLength = 229, BitLength = 230, Overlay = 231, RegexpMatch = 232, RegexpReplace = 280, RegexpCount = 281, RegexpSplitToArray = 282, RegexpEq = 283, Pow = 233, Exp = 234, Chr = 235, StartsWith = 236, Initcap = 237, Lpad = 238, Rpad = 239, Reverse = 240, Strpos = 241, ToAscii = 242, ToHex = 243, QuoteIdent = 244, Sin = 245, Cos = 246, Tan = 247, Cot = 248, Asin = 249, Acos = 250, Atan = 251, Atan2 = 252, Sind = 253, Cosd = 254, Cotd = 255, Tand = 256, Asind = 257, Sqrt = 258, Degrees = 259, Radians = 260, Cosh = 261, Tanh = 262, Coth = 263, Asinh = 264, Acosh = 265, Atanh = 266, Sinh = 267, Acosd = 268, Trunc = 271, Ln = 272, Log10 = 273, Cbrt = 274, Sign = 275, Scale = 276, MinScale = 277, TrimScale = 278, IsTrue = 301, IsNotTrue = 302, IsFalse = 303, IsNotFalse = 304, IsNull = 305, IsNotNull = 306, IsDistinctFrom = 307, IsNotDistinctFrom = 308, Encode = 310, Decode = 311, Sha1 = 312, Sha224 = 313, Sha256 = 314, Sha384 = 315, Sha512 = 316, Left = 317, Right = 318, Format = 319, FormatVariadic = 326, PgwireSend = 320, PgwireRecv = 321, ConvertFrom = 322, ConvertTo = 323, Decrypt = 324, Encrypt = 325, InetAton = 328, InetNtoa = 329, QuoteLiteral = 330, QuoteNullable = 331, Hmac = 332, SecureCompare = 333, Neg = 401, Field = 501, Array = 521, ArrayAccess = 522, Row = 523, ArrayToString = 524, ArrayRangeAccess = 525, ArrayCat = 531, ArrayAppend = 532, ArrayPrepend = 533, FormatType = 534, ArrayDistinct = 535, ArrayLength = 536, Cardinality = 537, ArrayRemove = 538, ArrayPositions = 539, TrimArray = 540, StringToArray = 541, ArrayPosition = 542, ArrayReplace = 543, ArrayDims = 544, ArrayTransform = 545, ArrayMin = 546, ArrayMax = 547, ArraySum = 548, ArraySort = 549, ArrayContains = 550, ArrayContained = 551, HexToInt256 = 560, JsonbAccess = 600, JsonbAccessStr = 601, JsonbExtractPath = 627, JsonbExtractPathVariadic = 613, JsonbExtractPathText = 628, JsonbExtractPathTextVariadic = 614, JsonbTypeof = 602, JsonbArrayLength = 603, IsJson = 604, JsonbConcat = 605, JsonbObject = 606, JsonbPretty = 607, JsonbContains = 608, JsonbContained = 609, JsonbExists = 610, JsonbExistsAny = 611, JsonbExistsAll = 612, JsonbDeletePath = 615, JsonbStripNulls = 616, ToJsonb = 617, JsonbBuildArray = 618, JsonbBuildArrayVariadic = 625, JsonbBuildObject = 619, JsonbBuildObjectVariadic = 626, JsonbPathExists = 620, JsonbPathMatch = 621, JsonbPathQueryArray = 622, JsonbPathQueryFirst = 623, JsonbPopulateRecord = 629, JsonbToRecord = 630, JsonbSet = 631, JsonbPopulateMap = 632, MapFromEntries = 700, MapAccess = 701, MapKeys = 702, MapValues = 703, MapEntries = 704, MapFromKeyValues = 705, MapLength = 706, MapContains = 707, MapCat = 708, MapInsert = 709, MapDelete = 710, Vnode = 1_101, TestPaidTier = 1_102, VnodeUser = 1_103, Proctime = 2_023, PgSleep = 2_024, PgSleepFor = 2_025, PgSleepUntil = 2_026, CastRegclass = 2_100, PgGetIndexdef = 2_400, ColDescription = 2_401, PgGetViewdef = 2_402, PgGetUserbyid = 2_403, PgIndexesSize = 2_404, PgRelationSize = 2_405, PgGetSerialSequence = 2_406, PgIndexColumnHasProperty = 2_410, HasTablePrivilege = 2_407, HasAnyColumnPrivilege = 2_408, HasSchemaPrivilege = 2_409, PgIsInRecovery = 2_411, RwRecoveryStatus = 2_412, RwEpochToTs = 2_413, PgTableIsVisible = 2_414, IcebergTransform = 2_201,



Unspecified = 0

Used for InputRef, Constant, and UserDefinedFunction.


Add = 3

arithmetics operators


Subtract = 4


Multiply = 5


Divide = 6


Modulus = 7


Equal = 8

comparison operators


NotEqual = 9


LessThan = 10


LessThanOrEqual = 11


GreaterThan = 12


GreaterThanOrEqual = 13


Greatest = 14


Least = 15


And = 21

logical operators


Or = 22


Not = 23


In = 24


Some = 25


All = 26


BitwiseAnd = 31

bitwise operators


BitwiseOr = 32


BitwiseXor = 33


BitwiseNot = 34


BitwiseShiftLeft = 35


BitwiseShiftRight = 36


Extract = 101

date/time functions


DatePart = 102


TumbleStart = 103


MakeDate = 113


MakeTime = 114


MakeTimestamp = 115


SecToTimestamptz = 104

From f64 to timestamp. e.g. select to_timestamp(1672044740.0)


AtTimeZone = 105


DateTrunc = 106


CharToTimestamptz = 107

Parse text to timestamp by format string. e.g. select to_timestamp('2022 08 21', 'YYYY MM DD')


CharToDate = 111


CastWithTimeZone = 108

Performs a cast with additional timezone information.


AddWithTimeZone = 109


SubtractWithTimeZone = 110


MakeTimestamptz = 112


Cast = 201

other functions


Substr = 202


Length = 203


Like = 204


ILike = 279


SimilarToEscape = 284


Upper = 205


Lower = 206


Trim = 207


Replace = 208


Position = 209


Ltrim = 210


Rtrim = 211


Case = 212


ConstantLookup = 624

Optimize case-when expression to constant lookup when arms are in a large scale with simple form


RoundDigit = 213

ROUND(numeric, integer) -> numeric


Round = 214

ROUND(numeric) -> numeric ROUND(double precision) -> double precision


Ascii = 215


Translate = 216


Coalesce = 217


ConcatWs = 218


ConcatWsVariadic = 285


Abs = 219


SplitPart = 220


Ceil = 221


Floor = 222


ToChar = 223


Md5 = 224


CharLength = 225


Repeat = 226


ConcatOp = 227


Concat = 286


ConcatVariadic = 287


BoolOut = 228

BOOL_OUT is different from CAST-bool-to-varchar in PostgreSQL.


OctetLength = 229


BitLength = 230


Overlay = 231


RegexpMatch = 232


RegexpReplace = 280


RegexpCount = 281


RegexpSplitToArray = 282


RegexpEq = 283


Pow = 233


Exp = 234


Chr = 235


StartsWith = 236


Initcap = 237


Lpad = 238


Rpad = 239


Reverse = 240


Strpos = 241

duplicated with POSITION


ToAscii = 242


ToHex = 243


QuoteIdent = 244


Sin = 245


Cos = 246


Tan = 247


Cot = 248


Asin = 249


Acos = 250


Atan = 251


Atan2 = 252


Sind = 253


Cosd = 254


Cotd = 255


Tand = 256


Asind = 257


Sqrt = 258


Degrees = 259


Radians = 260


Cosh = 261


Tanh = 262


Coth = 263


Asinh = 264


Acosh = 265


Atanh = 266


Sinh = 267


Acosd = 268


Trunc = 271

skips 268,269,270 so that acosd, atand, atan2d are close to others


Ln = 272


Log10 = 273


Cbrt = 274


Sign = 275


Scale = 276


MinScale = 277


TrimScale = 278


IsTrue = 301

Boolean comparison


IsNotTrue = 302


IsFalse = 303


IsNotFalse = 304


IsNull = 305


IsNotNull = 306


IsDistinctFrom = 307


IsNotDistinctFrom = 308


Encode = 310

string/bytea expressions


Decode = 311


Sha1 = 312


Sha224 = 313


Sha256 = 314


Sha384 = 315


Sha512 = 316


Left = 317


Right = 318


Format = 319


FormatVariadic = 326


PgwireSend = 320


PgwireRecv = 321


ConvertFrom = 322


ConvertTo = 323


Decrypt = 324


Encrypt = 325


InetAton = 328


InetNtoa = 329


QuoteLiteral = 330


QuoteNullable = 331


Hmac = 332


SecureCompare = 333


Neg = 401

Unary operators


Field = 501

Nested selection operators


Array = 521

Array expression.


ArrayAccess = 522


Row = 523


ArrayToString = 524


ArrayRangeAccess = 525


ArrayCat = 531

Array functions


ArrayAppend = 532


ArrayPrepend = 533


FormatType = 534


ArrayDistinct = 535


ArrayLength = 536


Cardinality = 537


ArrayRemove = 538


ArrayPositions = 539


TrimArray = 540


StringToArray = 541


ArrayPosition = 542


ArrayReplace = 543


ArrayDims = 544


ArrayTransform = 545


ArrayMin = 546


ArrayMax = 547


ArraySum = 548


ArraySort = 549


ArrayContains = 550


ArrayContained = 551


HexToInt256 = 560

Int256 functions


JsonbAccess = 600

jsonb -> int, jsonb -> text that returns jsonb


JsonbAccessStr = 601

jsonb ->> int, jsonb ->> text that returns text


JsonbExtractPath = 627

jsonb #> text[] -> jsonb


JsonbExtractPathVariadic = 613


JsonbExtractPathText = 628

jsonb #>> text[] -> text


JsonbExtractPathTextVariadic = 614


JsonbTypeof = 602


JsonbArrayLength = 603


IsJson = 604


JsonbConcat = 605


JsonbObject = 606


JsonbPretty = 607


JsonbContains = 608

jsonb @> jsonb


JsonbContained = 609

jsonb <@ jsonb


JsonbExists = 610

jsonb ? text


JsonbExistsAny = 611

jsonb ?| text[]


JsonbExistsAll = 612

jsonb ?& text[]


JsonbDeletePath = 615

see SUBTRACT for: jsonb - text -> jsonb jsonb - text[] -> jsonb jsonb - integer -> jsonb

jsonb #- text[] -> jsonb


JsonbStripNulls = 616


ToJsonb = 617


JsonbBuildArray = 618


JsonbBuildArrayVariadic = 625


JsonbBuildObject = 619


JsonbBuildObjectVariadic = 626


JsonbPathExists = 620


JsonbPathMatch = 621


JsonbPathQueryArray = 622


JsonbPathQueryFirst = 623


JsonbPopulateRecord = 629


JsonbToRecord = 630


JsonbSet = 631


JsonbPopulateMap = 632


MapFromEntries = 700

Map functions


MapAccess = 701


MapKeys = 702


MapValues = 703


MapEntries = 704


MapFromKeyValues = 705


MapLength = 706


MapContains = 707


MapCat = 708


MapInsert = 709


MapDelete = 710


Vnode = 1_101

§Non-pure functions below (> 1000)

Internal functions


TestPaidTier = 1_102


VnodeUser = 1_103


Proctime = 2_023

Non-deterministic functions


PgSleep = 2_024


PgSleepFor = 2_025


PgSleepUntil = 2_026


CastRegclass = 2_100

System administration functions


PgGetIndexdef = 2_400

System information functions


ColDescription = 2_401


PgGetViewdef = 2_402


PgGetUserbyid = 2_403


PgIndexesSize = 2_404


PgRelationSize = 2_405


PgGetSerialSequence = 2_406


PgIndexColumnHasProperty = 2_410


HasTablePrivilege = 2_407


HasAnyColumnPrivilege = 2_408


HasSchemaPrivilege = 2_409


PgIsInRecovery = 2_411


RwRecoveryStatus = 2_412


RwEpochToTs = 2_413


PgTableIsVisible = 2_414


IcebergTransform = 2_201