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// Copyright 2025 RisingWave Labs
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
pub mod extra;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error::Error;
use std::sync::Arc;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use thiserror_ext::AsReport;
use tonic::metadata::{MetadataMap, MetadataValue};
/// The key of the metadata field that contains the serialized error.
const ERROR_KEY: &str = "risingwave-error-bin";
/// The key of the metadata field that contains the call name.
pub const CALL_KEY: &str = "risingwave-grpc-call";
/// The service name that the error is from. Used to provide better error message.
// TODO: also make it a field of `Extra`?
type ServiceName = Cow<'static, str>;
/// The error produced by the gRPC server and sent to the client on the wire.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ServerError {
error: serde_error::Error,
service_name: Option<ServiceName>,
extra: extra::Extra,
impl std::fmt::Display for ServerError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl std::error::Error for ServerError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
fn provide<'a>(&'a self, request: &mut std::error::Request<'a>) {
// Provide self so that `ErrorIsFromTonicServerImpl` can work.
// Provide extra fields.
fn to_status<T>(error: &T, code: tonic::Code, service_name: Option<ServiceName>) -> tonic::Status
T: ?Sized + std::error::Error,
// Embed the whole error (`self`) and its source chain into the details field.
// At the same time, set the message field to the error message of `self` (without source chain).
// The redundancy of the current error's message is intentional in case the client ignores the `details` field.
let source = ServerError {
error: serde_error::Error::new(error),
extra: extra::Extra::new(error),
let serialized = bincode::serialize(&source).unwrap();
let mut metadata = MetadataMap::new();
metadata.insert_bin(ERROR_KEY, MetadataValue::from_bytes(&serialized));
let mut status = tonic::Status::with_metadata(code, error.to_report_string(), metadata);
// Set the source of `tonic::Status`, though it's not likely to be used.
// This is only available before serializing to the wire. That's why we need to manually embed it
// into the `details` field.
// TODO(error-handling): disallow constructing `tonic::Status` directly with `new` by clippy.
impl<T> T
T: ?Sized + std::error::Error,
/// Convert the error to [`tonic::Status`] with the given [`tonic::Code`] and service name.
/// The source chain is preserved by pairing with [`TonicStatusWrapper`].
pub fn to_status(
code: tonic::Code,
service_name: impl Into<ServiceName>,
) -> tonic::Status {
to_status(self, code, Some(service_name.into()))
/// Convert the error to [`tonic::Status`] with the given [`tonic::Code`] without specifying
/// the service name. Prefer [`to_status`] if possible.
/// The source chain is preserved by pairing with [`TonicStatusWrapper`].
pub fn to_status_unnamed(&self, code: tonic::Code) -> tonic::Status {
to_status(self, code, None)
impl<T> T
T: ?Sized + std::error::Error,
/// Returns whether the error is from the implementation of a tonic server, i.e., created
/// with [`ToTonicStatus::to_status`].
/// This does not count errors initiated from the library, typically connection issues.
/// As a result, this function can be used to decide whether an error should be retried.
pub fn is_from_tonic_server_impl(&self) -> bool {
/// A wrapper of [`tonic::Status`] that provides better error message and extracts
/// the source chain from the `details` field.
pub struct TonicStatusWrapper {
inner: tonic::Status,
/// The call name (path) of the gRPC request.
call: Option<String>,
/// Optional service name from the client side.
/// # Explanation
/// [`tonic::Status`] is used for both client and server side. When the error is created on
/// the server side, we encourage developers to provide the service name with
/// [`ToTonicStatus::to_status`], so that the info can be included in the HTTP response and
/// then extracted by the client side (in [`TonicStatusWrapper::new`]).
/// However, if there's something wrong with the server side and the error is directly
/// created on the client side, the approach above is not applicable. In this case, the
/// caller should set a "client side" service name to provide better error message. This is
/// achieved by [`TonicStatusWrapperExt::with_client_side_service_name`].
client_side_service_name: Option<ServiceName>,
impl TonicStatusWrapper {
/// Create a new [`TonicStatusWrapper`] from the given [`tonic::Status`] and extract
/// the source chain from its `details` field.
pub fn new(mut status: tonic::Status) -> Self {
if status.source().is_none() {
if let Some(value) = status.metadata().get_bin(ERROR_KEY) {
if let Some(e) = value.to_bytes().ok().and_then(|serialized| {
}) {
} else {
tracing::warn!("failed to deserialize error from gRPC metadata");
let call = status
.and_then(|value| value.to_str().ok())
Self {
inner: status,
client_side_service_name: None,
/// Returns the reference to the inner [`tonic::Status`].
pub fn inner(&self) -> &tonic::Status {
/// Consumes `self` and returns the inner [`tonic::Status`].
pub fn into_inner(self) -> tonic::Status {
impl From<tonic::Status> for TonicStatusWrapper {
fn from(status: tonic::Status) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Display for TonicStatusWrapper {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "gRPC request")?;
if let Some(service_name) = self
.and_then(|s| s.downcast_ref::<ServerError>())
.and_then(|s| s.service_name.as_ref())
// if no service name from the server side, use the client side one
write!(f, " to {} service", service_name)?;
if let Some(call) = &self.call {
write!(f, " (call `{}`)", call)?;
write!(f, " failed: {}: ", self.inner.code())?;
#[expect(rw::format_error)] // intentionally format the source itself
if let Some(source) = self.source() {
// Prefer the source chain from the `details` field.
write!(f, "{}", source)
} else {
write!(f, "{}", self.inner.message())
impl<T> T
T: Into<TonicStatusWrapper>,
/// Set the client side service name to provide better error message.
/// See the documentation on the field `client_side_service_name` for more details.
pub fn with_client_side_service_name(
service_name: impl Into<ServiceName>,
) -> TonicStatusWrapper {
let mut this = self.into();
this.client_side_service_name = Some(service_name.into());
impl std::error::Error for TonicStatusWrapper {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
// Delegate to `self.inner` as if we're transparent.
fn provide<'a>(&'a self, request: &mut std::error::Request<'a>) {
// The source error, typically a `ServerError`, may provide additional information through `extra`.
if let Some(source) = self.source() {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_source_chain_preserved() {
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
struct MyError {
message: &'static str,
source: Option<Box<MyError>>,
let original = MyError {
message: "outer",
source: Some(Box::new(MyError {
message: "inner",
source: None,
let server_status = original.to_status(tonic::Code::Internal, "test");
let body = server_status.into_http();
let client_status = tonic::Status::from_header_map(body.headers()).unwrap();
let wrapper = TonicStatusWrapper::new(client_status);
"gRPC request to test service failed: Internal error: outer"
let source = wrapper.source().unwrap();
assert_eq!(source.to_string(), "outer");
assert_eq!(source.source().unwrap().to_string(), "inner");