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// Copyright 2025 RisingWave Labs
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use risingwave_common::types::Fields;
use risingwave_frontend_macro::system_catalog;
/// The catalog `pg_index` contains part of the information about indexes.
/// Ref: [`https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/catalog-pg-index.html`]
"SELECT id AS indexrelid,
primary_table_id AS indrelid,
ARRAY_LENGTH(key_columns || include_columns)::smallint AS indnatts,
ARRAY_LENGTH(key_columns)::smallint AS indnkeyatts,
false AS indisunique,
key_columns || include_columns AS indkey,
ARRAY[]::smallint[] as indoption,
NULL AS indexprs,
NULL AS indpred,
FALSE AS indisprimary,
ARRAY[]::int[] AS indclass,
false AS indisexclusion,
true AS indimmediate,
false AS indisclustered,
true AS indisvalid,
false AS indcheckxmin,
true AS indisready,
true AS indislive,
false AS indisreplident
FROM rw_catalog.rw_indexes
SELECT c.relation_id AS indexrelid,
c.relation_id AS indrelid,
COUNT(*)::smallint AS indnatts,
COUNT(*)::smallint AS indnkeyatts,
true AS indisunique,
ARRAY_AGG(c.position)::smallint[] AS indkey,
ARRAY[]::smallint[] as indoption,
NULL AS indexprs,
NULL AS indpred,
TRUE AS indisprimary,
ARRAY[]::int[] AS indclass,
false AS indisexclusion,
true AS indimmediate,
false AS indisclustered,
true AS indisvalid,
false AS indcheckxmin,
true AS indisready,
true AS indislive,
false AS indisreplident
FROM rw_catalog.rw_columns c
WHERE c.is_primary_key = true AND c.is_hidden = false
AND c.relation_id IN (
FROM rw_catalog.rw_tables
GROUP BY c.relation_id"
struct PgIndex {
indexrelid: i32,
indrelid: i32,
indnatts: i16,
indnkeyatts: i16,
// We return false as default to indicate that this is NOT a unique index
indisunique: bool,
indkey: Vec<i16>,
indoption: Vec<i16>,
// None. We don't have `pg_node_tree` type yet, so we use `text` instead.
indexprs: Option<String>,
// None. We don't have `pg_node_tree` type yet, so we use `text` instead.
indpred: Option<String>,
// TODO: we return false as the default value.
indisprimary: bool,
// Empty array. We only have a dummy implementation of `pg_opclass` yet.
indclass: Vec<i32>,
// Unused columns. Kept for compatibility with PG.
indisexclusion: bool,
indimmediate: bool,
indisclustered: bool,
indisvalid: bool,
indcheckxmin: bool,
indisready: bool,
indislive: bool,
indisreplident: bool,