over_window_to_topn_rule.rsuse fixedbitset::FixedBitSet;
use risingwave_common::types::DataType;
use risingwave_expr::window_function::WindowFuncKind;
use super::{BoxedRule, Rule};
use crate::expr::{collect_input_refs, ExprImpl, ExprType};
use crate::optimizer::plan_node::generic::GenericPlanRef;
use crate::optimizer::plan_node::{LogicalFilter, LogicalTopN, PlanTreeNodeUnary};
use crate::optimizer::property::Order;
use crate::planner::LIMIT_ALL_COUNT;
use crate::PlanRef;
pub struct OverWindowToTopNRule;
impl OverWindowToTopNRule {
pub fn create() -> BoxedRule {
impl Rule for OverWindowToTopNRule {
fn apply(&self, plan: PlanRef) -> Option<PlanRef> {
let ctx = plan.ctx();
let (project, plan) = {
if let Some(project) = plan.as_logical_project() {
(Some(project), project.input())
} else {
(None, plan)
let filter = plan.as_logical_filter()?;
let plan = filter.input();
let over_window = plan.as_logical_over_window()?;
if over_window.window_functions().len() != 1 {
return None;
let window_func = &over_window.window_functions()[0];
if !window_func.kind.is_numbering() {
return None;
let output_len = over_window.schema().len();
let window_func_pos = output_len - 1;
let with_ties = match window_func.kind {
WindowFuncKind::RowNumber => false,
WindowFuncKind::Rank => true,
WindowFuncKind::DenseRank => {
ctx.warn_to_user("`dense_rank` is not supported in Top-N pattern, will fallback to inefficient implementation");
return None;
_ => unreachable!("window functions other than rank functions should not reach here"),
let (rank_pred, other_pred) = {
let predicate = filter.predicate();
let mut rank_col = FixedBitSet::with_capacity(output_len);
rank_col.set(window_func_pos, true);
let (limit, offset) = handle_rank_preds(&rank_pred.conjunctions, window_func_pos)?;
if offset > 0 && with_ties {
tracing::warn!("Failed to optimize with ties and offset");
ctx.warn_to_user("group topN with ties and offset is not supported, see https://www.risingwave.dev/docs/current/sql-pattern-topn/ for more information");
return None;
let topn: PlanRef = LogicalTopN::new(
Order {
column_orders: window_func.order_by.to_vec(),
window_func.partition_by.iter().map(|i| i.index).collect(),
let filter = LogicalFilter::create(topn, other_pred);
let plan = if let Some(project) = project {
let referred_cols = collect_input_refs(output_len, project.exprs());
if !referred_cols.contains(window_func_pos) {
} else {
} else {
ctx.warn_to_user("It can be inefficient to output ranking number in Top-N, see https://www.risingwave.dev/docs/current/sql-pattern-topn/ for more information");
fn handle_rank_preds(rank_preds: &[ExprImpl], window_func_pos: usize) -> Option<(u64, u64)> {
if rank_preds.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut lb: Option<i64> = None;
let mut ub: Option<i64> = None;
let mut eq: Option<i64> = None;
for cond in rank_preds {
if let Some((input_ref, cmp, v)) = cond.as_comparison_const() {
assert_eq!(input_ref.index, window_func_pos);
let v = v.cast_implicit(DataType::Int64).ok()?.fold_const().ok()??;
let v = *v.as_int64();
match cmp {
ExprType::LessThanOrEqual => ub = ub.map_or(Some(v), |ub| Some(ub.min(v))),
ExprType::LessThan => ub = ub.map_or(Some(v - 1), |ub| Some(ub.min(v - 1))),
ExprType::GreaterThan => lb = lb.map_or(Some(v + 1), |lb| Some(lb.max(v + 1))),
ExprType::GreaterThanOrEqual => lb = lb.map_or(Some(v), |lb| Some(lb.max(v))),
_ => unreachable!(),
} else if let Some((input_ref, v)) = cond.as_eq_const() {
assert_eq!(input_ref.index, window_func_pos);
let v = v.cast_implicit(DataType::Int64).ok()?.fold_const().ok()??;
let v = *v.as_int64();
if let Some(eq) = eq
&& eq != v
"Failed to optimize rank predicate with conflicting equal conditions."
return None;
eq = Some(v)
} else {
tracing::warn!("Failed to optimize complex rank predicate {:?}", cond);
return None;
if let Some(eq) = eq {
if eq < 1 {
"Failed to optimize rank predicate with invalid predicate rank={}.",
return None;
let lb = lb.unwrap_or(i64::MIN);
let ub = ub.unwrap_or(i64::MAX);
if !(lb <= eq && eq <= ub) {
tracing::warn!("Failed to optimize rank predicate with conflicting bounds.");
return None;
Some((1, (eq - 1) as u64))
} else {
match (lb, ub) {
(Some(lb), Some(ub)) => Some(((ub - lb + 1).max(0) as u64, (lb - 1).max(0) as u64)),
(Some(lb), None) => Some((LIMIT_ALL_COUNT, (lb - 1).max(0) as u64)),
(None, Some(ub)) => Some((ub.max(0) as u64, 0)),
(None, None) => unreachable!(),