panic_store.rsuse std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Arc;
use bytes::Bytes;
use risingwave_common::bitmap::Bitmap;
use risingwave_common::hash::VirtualNode;
use risingwave_hummock_sdk::key::{TableKey, TableKeyRange};
use risingwave_hummock_sdk::HummockReadEpoch;
use crate::error::StorageResult;
use crate::store::*;
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct PanicStateStore;
impl StateStoreRead for PanicStateStore {
type Iter = PanicStateStoreIter<StateStoreKeyedRow>;
type RevIter = PanicStateStoreIter<StateStoreKeyedRow>;
async fn get_keyed_row(
_key: TableKey<Bytes>,
_epoch: u64,
_read_options: ReadOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Option<StateStoreKeyedRow>> {
panic!("should not read from the state store!");
async fn iter(
_key_range: TableKeyRange,
_epoch: u64,
_read_options: ReadOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Self::Iter> {
panic!("should not read from the state store!");
async fn rev_iter(
_key_range: TableKeyRange,
_epoch: u64,
_read_options: ReadOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Self::RevIter> {
panic!("should not read from the state store!");
impl StateStoreReadLog for PanicStateStore {
type ChangeLogIter = PanicStateStoreIter<StateStoreReadLogItem>;
async fn next_epoch(&self, _epoch: u64, _options: NextEpochOptions) -> StorageResult<u64> {
async fn iter_log(
_epoch_range: (u64, u64),
_key_range: TableKeyRange,
_options: ReadLogOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Self::ChangeLogIter> {
impl LocalStateStore for PanicStateStore {
type FlushedSnapshotReader = PanicStateStore;
type Iter<'a> = PanicStateStoreIter<StateStoreKeyedRow>;
type RevIter<'a> = PanicStateStoreIter<StateStoreKeyedRow>;
async fn get(
_key: TableKey<Bytes>,
_read_options: ReadOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Option<Bytes>> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
async fn iter(
_key_range: TableKeyRange,
_read_options: ReadOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Self::Iter<'_>> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
async fn rev_iter(
_key_range: TableKeyRange,
_read_options: ReadOptions,
) -> StorageResult<Self::RevIter<'_>> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn insert(
&mut self,
_key: TableKey<Bytes>,
_new_val: Bytes,
_old_val: Option<Bytes>,
) -> StorageResult<()> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn delete(&mut self, _key: TableKey<Bytes>, _old_val: Bytes) -> StorageResult<()> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
async fn flush(&mut self) -> StorageResult<usize> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn epoch(&self) -> u64 {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
async fn init(&mut self, _epoch: InitOptions) -> StorageResult<()> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn seal_current_epoch(&mut self, _next_epoch: u64, _opts: SealCurrentEpochOptions) {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!")
async fn try_flush(&mut self) -> StorageResult<()> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn update_vnode_bitmap(&mut self, _vnodes: Arc<Bitmap>) -> Arc<Bitmap> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn get_table_watermark(&self, _vnode: VirtualNode) -> Option<Bytes> {
panic!("should not operate on the panic state store!");
fn new_flushed_snapshot_reader(&self) -> Self::FlushedSnapshotReader {
impl StateStore for PanicStateStore {
type Local = Self;
async fn try_wait_epoch(
_epoch: HummockReadEpoch,
_options: TryWaitEpochOptions,
) -> StorageResult<()> {
panic!("should not wait epoch from the panic state store!");
async fn new_local(&self, _option: NewLocalOptions) -> Self::Local {
panic!("should not call new local from the panic state store");
pub struct PanicStateStoreIter<T: IterItem>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: IterItem> StateStoreIter<T> for PanicStateStoreIter<T> {
async fn try_next(&mut self) -> StorageResult<Option<T::ItemRef<'_>>> {
panic!("should not call next on panic state store iter")